Saturday, October 12, 2013

Click Here To Watch 2001 A Space Odyssey (1968)

2001 is a story of evolution. Sometime in the distant past someone or something nudged evolution by placing a monolith on Earth (presumably elsewhere throughout the universe as well). Evolution then enabled humankind to reach the moons surface where yet another monolith is found one that signals the monolith placers that humankind has evolved that far. Now a race begins between computers (HAL) and human (Bowman) to reach the monolith placers. The winner will achieve the next step in evolution whatever that may be.


A review I have put off for far too long....

Bluntly 2001 is one of the best sciencefiction films made to date if not the very best. Stanley Kubrick was a genius of a film maker and this is one of his very best works. And although it is misunderstood by many and respectively underrated it is considered one of the best films of all time and Ill have to agree. Back in 1968 no one had done anything like this before and no one has since. It was a marvel of a special effects breakthrough back then and seeing how the effects hold up today it is no wonder as to why. The film still looks marvelous after almost forty years! Take note CGI people. Through the use of large miniatures and realistic lighting Kubrick created some of the best special effects ever put on celluloid. This aspect alone almost singlehandedly created the chilling void of the space atmosphere which is also attributed to the music and realistic sound effects. I cant think of another film where you cant here anything in space like it is in reality. Not only is the absence of sound effects in space realistic it is used cleverly as a tool to establish mood and it works flawlessly.

Aside from the magnificent display of ingenious special effects there are other factors that play a part in establishing the feel of the film. The music played all classical compliment what the eyes are seeing and make you feel the significance of mans journey through his evolution from ape to space traveler.

The story while seemingly simple is profound. Sequentially several mysterious black monoliths are discovered and basically trigger certain events integral to the film. What are they Where did they come from What do they do These are all questions one asks oneself while watching the story develop and is asked to find his own way. While most come away with a general idea of what took place in the story each individual will have to decide what it means to them. Any way one decides to answer these question results in profound solutions. Its not left entirely up to interpretation but in some aspects it is. Experience it for more clarification. The end result is quite chilling no matter your personal solution.

While it is a long film and sometimes slows down it has to be in order to accurately portray the journey of man. Its not a subject that would have faired well in a shorter film faster paced feature. Those with short attention spans need not apply.

Last but not least is the epitome of a remorseless antagonist HAL 9000 the computer. Never has a machine held such a chilling screen presence. Which reminds me for a film with such profound ambition and execution there is surprisingly little dialogue. Another sign of Kubricks genius.

All in all one of the best films made to date and one of the very best science fiction films made. A personal favorite. Everyone must see this film at least once.

Very highly recommended.