Dwayne Johnson better known has The Rock was thought of to be like another Arnold Schwarzenegger a muscle bound action hero who acts tough and shouts out funny one liners. But then he did the movie Gridiron Gang(2006)and my opinion of him changed he took a little departure from action films and took a stab at drama and he gave a pretty descent performance and he showed that he can act.
John(Dwayne Johnson) has his own construction business is also happily married with a daughter. But Johns happy life is quickly turned upside when his teenage son from another marriage is arrested for drug possession cause a friend set him up. John not wanting to sit back and do nothing is determined to get him out of prison. He volunteers to go undercover to infiltrate a drug cartel in hopes that it will get his son out of prison with the help of U.S. Attorney(Susan Sarandon) and a D.E.A. agent(Barry Pepper) but will John pull it off
I disagree with the critics I thought the crime drama was very real. And when it was getting intense you the audience feel it also. Dwayne Johnson gives a great performance like he did in Gridiron Gang. You won't think of him as The Rock but Dwayne Johnson the actor. Barry Pepper is good so is Susan Sarandon.