OK it is clear from the very beginning this guy may just be one of the biggest's on the Planet. Brandon Darby is the prototypical teenage middle class white kid who runs away from home wearing his Che Guevara Tshirt and falls for every "revolutionary" damn the man cause that comes down the pipe. He is arrogant aggressive thinks he knows better than everybody else and then finds himself in a world where he realizes that he know very little.
The problem with this guys "stories" (whether some of them are true or untrue) is he is the same figure that makes up most left wing radicals. They just want attention and will seek out every cause on the planet until they find one they can make a name and hopefully fame and money from.
My guess is that most of these crazy activist leftist groups saw this dude for who he was....a B.S. er. and when he couldn't become that star he became an informant. He became an informant because he was just seeking some sort of Ȯxciting" life. He really could care less about anyone else.
The kids who got busted for the molotav cocktails deserved to get busted. They say they had no intention of using them but why then create them at all One said he didn't know just making them was a crime...Ignorance is no excuse and its an incendiary device what kind of idiot thinks thats OK
Either way Brandon David and anyone involved are all self absorbed idiots. Which pains me to give it a 7 but just because I don't like the people involved doesn't mean it's not a decent film.
Allinall this just shows the loopy extreme leftwing and how they prey on young white middle class people and many of them just grow out of that stage but some just become pawns in this fake ⋚mn the man" fight they always create out of thin air. Teach your kids reality when you see them wearing Che Guevara shirts and joining activist groups teach them some history so that they don't believe the revisionist history that the left tries to teach today.