Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Click Here To Watch Bad Grandpa (2013)

Eighty-six-year-old Irving Zisman is on a journey across America with the most unlikely companion his eight-year-old grandson Billy in Jackass Presents Bad Grandpa. This October the signature Jackass characters Irving Zisman (Johnny Knoxville) and Billy (Jackson Nicoll) will take movie audiences along for the most insane hidden camera road trip ever captured on camera. Along the way Irving will introduce the young and impressionable Billy to people places and situations that give new meaning to the term childrearing. The duo will encounter male strippers disgruntled child beauty pageant contestants (and their equally disgruntled mothers) funeral home mourners biker bar patrons and a whole lot of unsuspecting citizens. Real people in unreal situations making for one really messed up comedy.


There are three stars in this film the shining John Knoxville the stellar fat kid and the bit actors that are American society. Knoxville has undoubted talent and shines throughout disguised as a senior citizen behaving badly as his libido flourishes entering widowhood. The fat kid being his screen grandson that seems to have inherited the granddad's on screen bravado and Knoxville's real world talent.A laugh out road movie that circles the underbelly of American society with its tongue and leaves you with a sweet lingering taste of other America on your tongue. there is an insight in this slapstick and that is that every American appears to be hanging around waiting to be in a movie.All the world is a stage but America appears to be a rolling film lot waiting for the next crew to hit town with all the residents switching to bit part mode at any perceived opportunity.They may not be the brightest stars in this film but the ordinary people do shine and without them the other stars would not seem so bright. Yes its laugh out loud slapstick but the humanity and kindness of the real people give soul to a film that badly handled could have been exploitative and cruel Go and enjoy it no animals or Americans where harmed in the making of this film.