Sunday, September 22, 2013

Maya is a CIA operative whose first experience is in the interrogation of prisoners following the Al Qaeda attacks against the U.S. on the 11th September 2001. She is a reluctant participant in extreme duress applied to the detainees but believes that the truth may only be obtained through such tactics. For several years she is singleminded in her pursuit of leads to uncover the whereabouts of Al Qaedas leader Osama Bin Laden. Finally in 2011 it appears that her work will pay off and a U.S. Navy SEAL team is sent to kill or capture Bin Laden. But only Maya is confident Bin Laden is where she says he is.


I totally agree with the blog posted on regarding this movie by Nadeem F. Paracha.

Zero Dark Thirty' was quite an experience. Though sharp in its production and direction and largely accurate in depicting the events that led to the death of Osama Bin Laden it went ballistic bad in depicting everyday life on the streets of Pakistan.

With millions of dollars at their disposal I wonder why the makers of this film couldn't hire even a most basic adviser to inform them that

1 Pakistanis speak Urdu English and other regional languages and NOT Arabic

2 Pakistani men do not go around wearing 17th and 18th century headgear in markets

3 The only Urdu heard in the film is from a group of wildeyed men protesting against an American diplomat calling him ɼhor.' Chor in Urdu means robber. And the protest rally was against US drone strikes. How did that make the diplomat a chor

4 And how on earth was a green Mercedes packed with armed men parked only a few feet away from the US embassy in Islamabad Haven't the producers ever heard of an area called the Diplomatic Enclave in Islamabad Even a squirrel these days has to run around for a permit to enter and climb trees in that particular area.

I can go on.