I'm currently on episode 5. I'm writing a review because there are currently so few reviews.
This show caught me by surprise. I've never been a particular fan of Kelsey Grammar. Though who doesn't love Gus Van Sant Which is the name that drew me in.
The writing is excellent. All the technical components are great the camera work the locations costumes production design it's all impeccable. The acting is mind blowing which I credit a lot to the directors and producers who are doing all the right things staying out of the way when they should and thinking out loud when they should to get great performances on a TV screen.
It may be a cult love it or hate it show. It may win a truckload of Emmys. But in the eyes of this often fickle and bored TV misanthrope it is a fine piece of craftsmanship that I believe will hold up to the test of time.
And to the previous reviewer who is tired of Chicago being portrayed this way I just have to explain. This is fiction. It is about as true as True Blood. It is I believe a dark piece of satire. A characterdrivenwrylook at contemporary politics in America. Every time they say Chicago imagine they are saying The Land of Oz or Bon Temps. I think you'll enjoy it more for what it is. And thank whatever cosmic splendor that this is not another show with zombies vampires or housewives.