Never and i repeat never have i ever dozed off during a film no matter how bad it is no matter if i was suffering from lack of sleep or figuratively dying from a hangover. Never have i nodded off....until NonStop. This film is not intense it isn't full of suspense i wasn't on the edge of my seat. I literally can take nothing from this film. The one thing that did look good where those first class seats on the plane that go down to a bed because 30 minutes into this film that's where i wanted to be. I honestly don't see why this film could garner such praise.
It is lifeless and with absolute common sense i knew exactly who the killer was. So the element of surprise was basically nonexistent. The whole thing drags in every now and then trying its very best to inject some life into a film that had been in a coma from the first minute. In typical Neesonesque fashion the ridiculousness goes to the extreme and then there is "The Yawn". Yes if there where an academy award for most blatantly fake yawn then Liam Neeson would win hands down.
Cheesy one liners preposterous acting a soulless plot and i type this with confidence when i say you would get more suspense by sitting at home and playing a game of Cluedo or Guess Who