Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Click Here To Watch Valentines Day (2010)

More than a dozen Angelenos navigate Valentines Day from early morning until midnight. Three couples awake together but each relationship will sputter are any worth saving A grade-school boy wants flowers for his first true love two high school seniors plan first-time sex at noon a TV sports reporter gets the assignment to find romance in LA a star quarterback contemplates his future two strangers meet on a plane grandparents together for years face a crisis and an I Hate Valentines Day dinner beckons the lonely and the lied to. Can Cupid finish his work by midnight


Ever sat through 120 minutes of Tasters Choice commercials in a row

WE bought the VIP seating and dinner for this godawful mess. Started at 718 and when I checked my watch at 830 my wife asked me how long it was. Ȣ hours 23 minutes" I said. She was not amused... and neither were the couple of couples who existed at 9 pm in front of us.

Tepid shopworn cuts of lives that crisscross each other this worked for Altman much of the time but not here. Titles ran for way way too long and cardboard direction (i.e. silent people holding conversations behind actors) was too dumb to be believed. The humor was lightweight when it happened at all and we the audience always felt like there's got to be a payoff somewhere. Editing was sloppy when not entirely flat. It was as if we'd just missed the direction �nd walk" over and over again.

I have a rule that only a true piece of junk uses gag reels for end titles and sadly this did too. In fact the best line in the film wasn't really in the film at all but out of Julia Roberts' mouth as reference to PRETTY WOMAN which was a gem. If anything this stands as a mess worthy f $1 rental just to see how bad it can get.