Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Click Here To Watch Armageddon (1998)

It is just another day at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) a few astronauts were repairing a satellite until out of nowhere a series of asteroids came crashing into the shuttle destroying it. These asteroids also decimated New York soon thereafter. Then NASA discovered that there is an asteroid roughly the size of Texas heading towards the Earth and when it does hit the Earth the planet itself and all of its inhabitants will be obliterated worse the asteroid will hit the Earth in 18 days. Unfortunately NASAs plans to destroy the asteroid are irrelevant. That is when the U.S. military decides to use a nuclear warhead to blow the asteroid to pieces. Then scientists decide to blow the asteroid with the warhead inside the asteroid itself. The only man to do it is an oil driller named Harry Stamper and his group of misfit drillers and geologists. As he and his drill team prepare for space excavation the asteroid is still heading towards the Earth. When...


People always seem to be flaming this movie left and right because it's stupid or long or it has no logic... Everyone has something to hate about this film but the movie wasn't intending to be 'Gone With The Wind'. This is the essential Friday night movie.

Not Saturday Night but Friday Night. Sure a lot of it is illogical and Michael Bay graduated in the MTV style of directing college but at it's heart it's just a great entertaining popcorn movie. Even Bay has admitted that was what he was aiming at. And for a popcorn movie it's a very strong movie indeed. The acting is impressive with Bruce Willis making you cry for real in that last scene of his where he proves to be the ultimate superhero and he doesn't even have to say "yippee kiyay". Ben Affleck is doing his nice hammy acting in this film but he gives a really genuine performance in a lot of the scenes. Liv Tyler is stunning and excellent as Bruce Willis' daughter and Ben Affleck's fiancee. Billy Bob Thorton has a nice little role at the NASA headquarters. Steve Buscemi is the best part of the film. Funny yet still a great actor this is one of his best performances. Michael Clarke Duncan is light in his role as one of the astronauts oil driller and Owen Wilson lights up the screen just like in 'The Royal Tenenbaums'. That's only some of the cast that I'm going to list and those are the most recognizable names in the list. The script by 'Die Hard With A Vengeance' scribe Jonathan Hensleigh and 'Roadkill" and upcoming 'Superman' writer J.J.

Abrahams is fun and enjoyable with some real quirky dialogue and real funny bits. There are also some genuine moments of suspense and drama. The look of this film is obviously special effects orientated with the New York asteroid shower opening sequence and the destruction of Paris standing out. Of course this film is just an enjoyable popcorn film and is actually deserving of it's place in "The Criterion Collection" of DVDs since it's that enjoyable kind of film that only comes along once in a while. But add to that the fact that there are some real sad moments and great acting in there and there you have it the perfect ingredients for a Friday night movie.