Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Click Here To Watch Shameless (TV Series 2011 )

Meet the fabulously dysfunctional Gallagher family. Dads a drunk Mom split long ago eldest daughter Fiona tries to hold the family together. Eldest son Philip (Lip) trades his physics tutoring skills for sexual favors from neighborhood girls. Middle son Ian is gay. Youngest daughter Debbie is stealing money from her UNICEF collection. Ten-year-old Carl is a budding sociopath and an arsonist and toddler Liam is - well he might actually be black but nobody has a clue how.


I was halfway through the American series before I even KNEW there was a British series. I think a was a little disappointed that we didn't create it but I was also happy that it was one of the few shows that we copied without ruining it. When I checked some of the user reviews I was surprised to see how many thought the show to be appalling. OK not everyone will share my love for the show but to rate it SO badly But when I looked the author of nearly every bad review was a fan of the original show. This simply sounds like a case of liking what you know. "I don't care how good their cooking is. It ain't as good as my Mom's!"

Once I finished the American series I gave it about a month to settle in and then started watching the British series. But I'd like to think that I was objective enough to judge it on its on merits and not simply that it's different than what I'm used to.

Since as many have pointed out the script is nearly wordforword identical the difference lies mainly in how the actors portray the characters.

So I'm going to give my characterbycharacter headtohead appraisal of UK vs. US. I'm going to use the character names rather than the actors' names for simplicity. Starting from the youngest...

Little Debbie UK wins this one hands down. No contest. She steals every scene she's in. Who can not fall in love with this girl

Carl This one's close but the UK one is (at least in the first season) a little more deranged and fun to watch.

Ian Another close one but this goes to UK too. US Ian is somber and good looking but UK Ian always seems a bit panicky and the wideangle closeups of his face make him look pretty bizarre.

Lip This is solidly with the US. I like US Lip's darkness. He seems more responsible and intelligent. UK Lip is just kind of impish and unsure. You can depend on US Lip and he offers some of the only real family support to Fiona.

Kevin Dead heat.

Veronica Very different performances by each but in the end I like them the same.

Fiona This was a difficult one to call but I'm giving it to the US. And this is probably because I saw them first. I just like her better. Hard to put my finger on the reason.

Frank Sorry UK but I just don't like your Frank. I understand the character is usually drunk but he seems that way even before he starts drinking. He seems clinically stupid. US Frank (Macy) is equally as obnoxious entitled selfish and deluded but he only seems drunk when he's drunk. At other times his pontificating is fun to listen to. You feel good about hating the guy because he's like this by choice. With UK Frank you have to pity him. I feel like I'm laughing at someone who's mentally challenged.