Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Click Here To Watch Quantum of Solace (2008)

Is there solace in revenge Bond and M sniff a shadowy international network of power and corruption reaping billions. As Bond pursues the agents of an assassination attempt on M all roads lead to Dominic Greene a world-renowned developer of green technology. Greene a nasty piece of work is intent on securing a barren area of Bolivia in exchange for assisting a strongman stage a coup there. The CIA looks the other way and only Bond with help from a retired spy and from a mysterious beauty stands in Greenes way. M wonders if she can trust Bond or if vengeance possesses him. Beyond that can anyone drawn to Bond live to tell the tale


When Casino Royale arrived two years ago I was a very happy person. I was one of what feels like the few people that actually wanted Craig to do well as Bond. I wasn't moaning about him being blonde I wasn't moaning about the lack of gadgets I was just happy to see one of my favourite fictional characters back on screen. As many people know I am a huge Bond fan I have all the movies I love them all in their unique way and even if Casino Royale had been a disaster I would have found some enjoyment out of it. Thankfully it wasn't a disaster it was actually one of the best Bond movies made. Quantum of Solace is a direct sequel of Royale and so I once again had high expectations of it. Perhaps even more so than with Royale as now I knew Craig is a superb Bond and I wanted the story to evolve more. Let me start off by saying Solace is not as good as Royale and for many people that will be a problem as so many people were expecting an even better movie. While it is an extremely good movie and a brilliant Bond movie its just not one of the best and does have a few problems. Still as a Bond fan I still absolutely loved nearly every minute of the movie. It isn't overlong and outstays its welcome like Royale but neither is it rushed as I feared. The performances are incredibly strong once again and there are some thrilling action sequences thrown in as well.

Daniel Craig once again is very strong as Bond and unlike what a lot of critics have said is actually good fun. He can deliver a pun quite well and he also does the dramatic and seriousness of Bond to perfection. In short he is definitely up there in terms of quality with Sean Connery. He feels a bit more comfortable as Bond this time around he doesn't have to say the famous line which sadly felt a tad forced at the end of Royale. Instead he does get his fair share of brooding although his verbal sparring with Gemma Arterton is pretty brilliant. The lead Bond girl this time is played by Olga Kurylenko who I last saw in the dismal Hitman movie. Thankfully here she plays a very interesting although different Bond girl. She doesn't appear much for the first half and her first sequence seemed more random than interesting. However she does develop quite nicely and by the end she is definitely one of the better Bond girls. Lead villain duties go to Mathieu Amalric. I have to say he was a bit of a disappointment after the brilliant Lechiffre in Royale. Amalric is a slimy villain and he does put in a good performance but his villain just isn't all that menacing and I can see him being one of the easily forgettable Bond baddies. Judi Dench gets an awful lot more screen time this time round and its all the better for it. M has been rewritten as a superb character and gets some nice bit of swearing to do. Finally Gemma Arterton is fairly decent as a wasted Bond girl. She has way too little screen time and far too little to do however she does shine through and features in one of the more memorable moments of the movie.

Quantum of Solace story wise is perhaps where the problems begin to slip in. Royale's story was simple and very easy to follow while Quantum is nowhere near as confusing as people are making it out to be the movie is a bit overcomplicated for its own good. The villains plan is nowhere near as diabolical as it really could be and I feel I need to watch the movie again just to get the intricate details of the movie. However as most Bond fans know story is not always a Bond movies strong point just look at Live and Let Die Die Another Day. So long as it manages to entertain I am quite happy. Solace thankfully is a brilliantly entertaining movie for the majority. I will admit the precredit sequence is a very big disappointment. I know the stunts were good and it should have been thrilling but I felt so oddly bored by it. However once the credits sequence began to a song I am steadily coming to like the movie kicked off. The rest of the action sequences were particularly well done my personal favourite being a bit in an opera house extremely well edited. Drama wise the movie is very solid there are some lighter moments to keep people happy and some amusing one liners but the movie for the most part is pretty down to earth.

Quantum of Solace as I've said is a great movie and no doubt many people will love it although some will be a bit disappointed by it. Either way Craig is still a great Bond and I cannot wait to see more adventures with him as the lead. Although we could do with a more interesting villain next time round please.