Sunday, September 15, 2013

Two criminals Vic and Danny kidnap Alice Creed. They fastidiously setup an apartment building and handcuff Alice to the bed all in a careful attempt to make sure that she wont escape and they wont get caught. But what do Vic and Danny really want with Alice And is Alice cunning enough to foil their plans and escape


This is a fine example of what can be done with a small budget but a decent script and some good actors.

The cast is precisely three and rarely can a film have ever been made that has the entire screen time taken up by so few people. This makes the film quite claustrophobic which is a pretty effective technique given the plot. The films does build up a nice degree of tension and whilst the plot is simple there are plenty of genuine surprises along the way although a stronger ending would have made this an even better film.

All three actors are very good but particularly impressive is Eddie Marsan as the older of the two kidnappers who is genuinely menacing.

This is a raw and at times violent film but well worth a watch if you are looking for something just a bit different.