Sunday, September 29, 2013

The events in this movie take place around the same time as the events in The Bourne Ultimatum. When a British reporter was writing an expose about Black Ops operations Treadstone and Black Briar and the ones responsible for them are concerned. And when Jason Bourne former Treadstone operative got the file on Treadstone and Black Briar and gave it to Pamela Landy who then passed it to the media. When the men behind Treadstone and Black Briar learn of this theyre concerned how this will affect other ops they have. They decide its best to shut down all ops and make sure make everyone involved disappears. They try to take out Aaron Cross who is part of another op called Outcome but he manages to survive. He then seeks out Dr. Marta Shearing who worked on him when he began. It seems part of the program is for all subjects to take medications but he has ran out which is why he seeks her. But someone tries to kill her. He saves her and she tells him he should have stopped taking the...


I can't understand the negativity some people feel for this film. Its a really exiting story The cast are great the stuntwork is great and I want to see more films with these characters.

That is pretty much all I wanted to say but I suppose I have to say something else to meet the minimum ten lines.

OK Keremy Renner is a great new lead. I may actually prefer him to Matt Damon already and if he does another one I think that'll be a certainty. He is more expressive than Damon more convincing physically more likable.

Rachel Weisz is the only lead female in this films I even care about. She can act! More than can be said about Damon's girlfriend or wife or whatever it was that got killed at the earliest opportunity in the second film of the series. Certainly better than Julia " I look 12" Styles as a tacked on vapid love interest.

Norton was underused that is trueKeach was too. Why Scott Glenn was in this I have no idea. He looks like the living dead and can barely speak.

Motorbike chase was epic. I want a sequel.