Let me tell you
I watched the final episode of season 1 and
I can't wait season 2!!!
Canadians sure know how to make a great TV show! I've always liked Canadian TV movies high quality products" by all means࡚nd ࡌontinuum" is just like a fresh breeze on your face. Why! Because it's mysterious very well made smart intelligent and it puts your logic to a test! If you loved The X files" liked Millenium" watched ࡏringe" and love mystery and suspense with a smart and refreshing story ࡌontinuum" is the way to go!
It explores theories
time travel history future
it questions today and its impact on tomorrow and how yesterday's decisions become today's reality. It also brings a healthy dose of nice special effects and just the dosage that can't hurt and make the show too virtual".
Acting is superb! The characters are slowly being developed the backgrounds seem to perfectly fit࡚ll in all࡞xactly what fans of scifi and mystery need(ed)!