Monday, September 16, 2013

Chris Faraday once smuggled illegal items or contraband into the country on freighters. He left that life behind got married has a family and went legit. But when his brotherinlaw got involved with Briggs a drug dealer and when he blew a deal Briggs demands restitution which he cant deliver. So Chris offers to find a way to pay him but the he threatens Chris family if he doesnt deliver. So he gets on a freighter destined for Panama and he sets out to bring back some counterfeit currency. Briggs goes to see Chris family. When Chris learns of this he asks his friend Sebastian to take care of them which he does. He tells Chris that it would be better to bring drugs instead of the cash.


Don't believe the reviewers this action packed adventure thrilled and entertained the entire audience. Even got spotty applause which is a rarity except for the most exceptional films.

Great camera work gave exciting glimpses of the Panama Canal the Canal Zone and the port of New Orleans.

Contraband is a perfect portrayal of the gritty life of crime and the amoral people who live it. Several exciting twists and turns make the ending a surprise not even my genius plot detective wife could figure out beforehand.

Mark Wahlberg continues to give us one realistic performance after another. Leave the kids at home and go see this action packed thriller.