Thursday, October 10, 2013

Click Here To Watch Men in Black 3 (2012)

After breaking out of a moon-based maximum security prison Boris the Animal decides to go back in time and eliminate the person who arrested him - Agent K. When he does so Agent J realizes that the time line has been changed and he too travels back to July 15 1969 the day before Agent K is killed. After overcoming some disbelief J manages to convince K and others of just who he is and why hes there. With the help of a being who can see all time lines they track Boris down. J also learns a secret something K had never told him.


Although MIB3 wasn't necessarily a 'bad' movie it certainly wasn't as good as it could have been. It seemed while watching the marketing plugs like they were going to bring the big guns and bring back all the funny stuff and cool special effects but they just fell short. The original was quite good Funny a little scary cool characters good stunts very original. Part II was just bad. So if you are going to wait 10 years to do a threequel that nobody really was dying to see because part 2 was so bad then you better make part 3 REALLY good Right

Well It wasn't REALLY good. It was OK. I wanted to love it but I honestly only barely liked it. It was lacking the things that made the franchise 'cool.' There was no talking pug no funny pawn shop guy no real interesting or funny aliens at all. The lead badguy alien was a somewhat interesting character but no real personality. Nothing that made you want more of him. And other than him there was hardly any other aliens in it. One little stint in a Chinese restaurant but nothing rememorable. No funny ones. I just don't understand not making more characters like the ones that made the first such a hit. And even Wil Smith wasn't funny. He was funnier during his promotions on talk shows than in his movie. He just seemed to walk through the whole thing.

ABSOLUTELY NO REASON to see it in 3D. None.

I hate to say it But the special effects were awful. With technology today most special effects are seamless. As an audience we now 'expect' good effects. Half the time it was very obvious when they were using backdrops and green screens and had superimposed stuff. That's just a dealbreaker in today's moviegoing world.

The one truly redeeming quality it had and it was good was Josh Brolin playing the younger K (Tommy Lee Jones). He was spot on and did a great job. But even that isn't enough to carry a movie that wants to be a summer Blockbuster.

Bottome Line Rent it. It's worth seeing if you have it lying around the house and have nothing to do but not if you have to pay full price and nothing you have to run right out and see.

And this is from a fan of Wil Smith Tommy Lee Jones and Josh Brolin.