Monday, October 21, 2013

Click Here To Watch Kindred The Embraced (TV Series 1996 )

Julian Luna prince of several disparate vampire or kindred clans in San Francisco has his job cut out for him as he must try to keep a tenuous peace among them while not being afraid to apply ruthless justice against those who would break kindred rules. Infractions that merit final death include the taking of human life and changing humans into vampires who have not volunteered for the transformation.


If you are a fan of Vampire the Masquerade you will be disappointed and annoyed. The clans of the Camarilla are there but the notable things that distinguish them are mostly missing every kindred can shape shift in this universe and all of the "really" cool clans are gone. No Malkavians no Sabbat no Independents no Tremere and Nosferatu are just bald with funny shaped ears. People who aren't fans will find a decent soap operatype show with iffy acting and cool vampire intrigue stuff but overall this series is a disappointment and I just want to know who to blame. The music is very good and the opening is fantastic. I would love to see something done with a closer eye to the correct continuity but that will never happen.