Monday, October 7, 2013

Click Here To Watch CBGB (2013)

CBGB follows the story of Hilly Kristals New York club from its conceit as a venue for Country Bluegrass and Blues (CBGB) to what it ultimately became the birthplace of underground rock n roll and punk. When Kristal had difficulty booking country bands in his club on the Bowery he opened his doors to other kinds of rock music. Kristal had one demand of the acts he booked they could only play original music. No top 40s no covers. It was the credo he lived by support the artist at whatever the cost. Hilly Kristal ironically became known as the godfather of punk giving a chance to such bands as Blondie Television Ramones Talking Heads Dead Boys and The Police.


Look full disclosure I didn't have any of the baggage of ever hearing of or being at CBGB. I lied to get into the preview (I'm sixty one and the cutoff was 60). I didn't fancy myself a fan of punk. Didn't really even know what it was. I LOVED this movie start to finish. The story the texture the music all lifted me into a different world. The cuts between this punk magazine and this story amazed me as they worked. The music is a dream collection and the quirky story of the accidental birth of this genre of music made me smile end to end. That there is a Jewish back story to punk music the Godfather of punk the lunacy of swastika sporting musicians given their chance in life by a Yid just made it the sweeter. If this movie makes it to your area ever (which it probably won't in Portland Oregon) race to it and enjoy!