Monday, October 7, 2013

Click Here To Watch Caligula (1979)

The rise and fall of the notorious Roman Emperor Caligula showing the violent methods that he employs to gain the throne and the subsequent insanity of his reign - he gives his horse political office and humiliates and executes anyone who even slightly displeases him. He also sleeps with his sister organises elaborate orgies and embarks on a fruitless invasion of England before meeting an appropriate end. There are various versions of the film ranging from the heavily- truncated 90-minute version to the legendary 160-minute hardcore version which leaves nothing to the imagination (though the hardcore scenes were inserted later and do not involve the main cast members).


It is funny.

As pornography this film leaves a lot to be desired. To call it such is naive and absurd and you obviously havent seen any REAL pornography.

As a film it leaves a lot to be desired. It lacks a number of things (dialogue plot movement etc) that make even a mediocre movie mediocre.

As far as a complete effort it is fantastic. The attempt to even try something like this is outrageous and to have pulled it off (pardon the pun) as much as Guccioni and the gang did is amazing.

It seems as if the fact that some actual money was poured into this epic makes it bad while something like Pink Flamingos by John Waters is thought of as great when it is just as likely to make a person squirm with its bad taste (again pardon the pun and God rest Divine).

I really like this movie. It is like NOTHING that has ever been made nor will there ever be anything made like it. It is all at once historical (at least as much as say Saving Private Ryan) it is thought provoking it is strangely erotic it is disturbing and lastly it is a movie that (love it or hate it) you will NOT forget if you do decide to see it.

I say see it.

Rating 10