Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Click Here To Watch Breaking Bad Felina (TV Episode 2013)

In the series finale Walt returns to Albuquerque to settle accounts. He visits his former business partners Elliott and Gretchen Schwartz with a proposition. When they are less than forthcoming he makes them an offer they cant refuse. He pays one last visit to Skyler but avoids seeing Walt Jr. In a coffee shop he meets Todd and Lydia saying hes now broke but has a new formula for making meth that he wants to sell them. Its all a ruse to get a meeting with the neo-Nazis who stole his money. Once there he puts his final plan into action.


i know no one wants to hear another waw..but screw it..waw!! breaking bad is not just the best show ever its the best thing that you can play on a film with digital stuff like movies TV shows videos pictures..ever!! and I'm going to address now all the stupid people saying everything was predictable..I'm just going with it and saying yeah predictable i mean come on wasn't hank finding out about Walt predictable didn't you expect Gus death hell i even predicted hank's death! but you know why its amazing because of its timing and cleverness i mean Vince Gilligan might be sitting next to me and saying jack is gonna shoot hank now and i would still jump off my seat! thats the beauty of it. now to all the other stupid people saying that its not as good as Ozymandias well..f*ck you! Ozymandias was a great episode because its perfect for the last 2 episodes but do you really want an Ozymandiaslike finale felina is the most perfect finale! in the end i would like to say thank you so so much to the breaking bad team we'll miss you and hats off for Mr Bryan Cranston Aaron Paul and the rest of the cast 10000010