Monday, October 21, 2013

Click Here To Watch A Haunted House (2013)


"You made a deal with the devil for a pair of shoes Not shoes Malcolm!!! Louboutins OK they've got red soles and they make my calves pop. I really needed them OK!" Malcolm (Wayans) and Kisha (Atkins) have moved in together and are excited to start their new life together. When strange things start to happen they look for answers and narrow it down to one thing. A ghost is messing with them. This is another movie that is pretty much what you would expect. Funnier then the recent Scary Movie movies but after a half hour it seemed to run out of ideas and started to repeat itself. The first half hour was really funny though. The movie spoofs the Paranormal Activity and Last Exorcism movies so if you have seen those this will be funnier. The dialog is funny and this is worth watching but don't expect to laugh all the way through unless you like the same joke over and over. Overall very funny for awhile then runs out of steam. I give it a B.