Now this seemed like the perfect summer blockbuster. Two huge stars an expensive budget and a director with a knack for action. What could go wrong By the end of it instead of what could go wrong you'll be asking yourself what went right. The answer....barely anything. White House Down is not only dumb it is downright idiotic. The plot is preposterous the action sequences sub par and the acting is atrocious. Channing Tatum does his best Bruce Willis impression while Jamie Foxx turns in the worst performance of his career. The supporting cast lead by Maggie Gyllenhaal saves the terrible leads and are the sole reason I am not giving this a 1. Overall this film is loud long and boring so much so I can't imagine any adult with a functioning brain to enjoy this. I highly recommend to stay away from this stinker. If you want a great action film featuring the destruction of the White House tune into Olympus Has Fallen.