Tuesday, September 17, 2013

This film is set in 2093 and takes place in the same universe as the Alien movies. A group of explorers including some archaeologists are on an undisclosed mission. They arrive at a planet millions of miles away from Earth. The team spot what they believe to be signs of civilization. They go to investigate and find more than just signs they find conclusive evidence. But some of them have an ulterior motive for being there including the Weyland Corporation. They believe that this is where the human race actually came from. Things soon turn from excitement to survival once inside their discovery.


I've given 4 only for the impressive visuals in the movie.

As for the rest... the science is consistently nonsense the Christian religious references make no sense in the context of Christianity. The creationism vs evolution references are lame and philosophically weak unthoughtthrough and poorly presented. The acting is so so and does nothing to save the story which is dull and unimaginative.

A few specifically ridiculous things...

Why hire such a pair of twits as the geologist and the biologist for such an expensive and important mission Did they ask for volunteers at the unemployment office Come to that how could they have such a crew of unprofessional clowns for a $1 trillion mission

Can a surgery be any more ridiculously fake Spray on a bit of Ȫnaesthetic" and perform a Caesarian on a struggling woman

How can there be such a powerful storm of such large particles and no one's suits or helmets have any real damage And there isn't piles of the stuff building up everywhere Did it evaporate

I suppose David's ability to read and speak a 2000 year old language isn't 'too' ridiculous though it is still ridiculous.

To enjoy this movie one must have to a good level of scientific and religious illiteracy or an exceptional ability to suspend belief and ignore the silliness of the whole thing.

And the attempt to link it to Alien was pathetic. To compare the movie to Alien at all is an insult to a true classic and that theyɽ make such a poor movie today with its big budget should be an embarrassment to its makers.
