Before anyone starts going offtopic in the comments yes I'm a fan. I also understand the irony of starting with that statement. My point this is a review of a cinema experience. An outstanding one. Made more exciting to me because it happens to be by and about my favourite band. This is NOT a discussion of the merits of said band's existence. Although it will strike a mighty blow for Metallica when those arguments do inevitably come up hopefully elsewhere. Moving swiftly along...
This is just a truly mindblowing sensory overload. Never has a band showcased their live performance with such an ambitious technical multisensory project. I wouldn't have even thought it possible. They don't just use the handy 3D technology to add gimmick to the next in a long line of live video releases. No. Metallica have pushed the boundaries of the technology itself and added dimensions to what we see as possible within the realm of 3D cinema.
I had the privilege of chatting with Lars about this when they played some shows here in March and he described it as their Ȫttempt to truly showcase what they do and who they are." Man does this emphatically succeed.
The stage is a kind of mutant supersetup comprising video screens pyro tesla coils and the best parts of everything they've ever done in their live shows. As the audience you're inonunderpartof the stage alongside the band in glorious 3D.
And it's tasteful. In as much as Metallica at their tightest hardest loudest biggest and fiercest can be "tasteful."
As for the little story within what is really the best ever technical and technological presentation of a rock concert it's a lovely compliment to the energy of the performance itself. I don't wanna giveaway too much but as the show begins a young roadie is sent on an errand. Things go badly (surreally and beautifully) wrong. It's not just exhilarating but wonderfully interwoven with the songs and the "storylines" within them.
I'm proud to have seen Metallica live seven times. I count this as the eighth. And it probably ranks fourth amongst those eight live (or in this case damnnear live) experiences. Truly truly mindblowing.
Metallica have truly and astonishingly documented what they do and why they are the very best there's ever been at doing it.
Essential for fans and absolutely worthwhile for all but the most hateful of heavy music in general. Bravo.