I could tell from the trailers that Leverage would be the kind of show I'd enjoy good guys vs. bad guys without the ambiguity of the legal system to get in the way. It did indeed deliver on that promise. It was cleverly paced and scripted and populated with interesting likable characters.
So why is the jury still out The short answer is that I DVR'ed it and watched it more than once.
Although it's slick the script had holes it just hoped you wouldn't notice. When compared to a show with really clever scripts (e.g. Burn Notice) I found too many "wait a minute" moments places where your successful suspension of disbelief depends on the viewer's short attention span or lack of reasoning ability. I won't drop spoilers to name some of the more obvious ones if anyone doesn't notice them who am I to point them out
There's a lot of talent in this series. I only hope that in the future they allow the scriptwriters a little more time to work out the kinks before shooting.