SHRAPNEL tells the story of two veterans of the Bosnian War one American one Serbian who clash in the Appalachian Mountain wilderness. FORD is a former American soldier who fought on the front lines in Bosnia. When our story begins he has retreated to a remote cabin in the woods trying to escape painful memories of war. The drama begins when KOVAC a former Serbian soldier seeks Ford out hoping to settle an old score. What follows is a catandmouse game in which Ford and Kovac fght their own personal World War III with battles both physical and psychological. By the end of the flm old wounds are opened suppressed memories are drawn to the surface and longhidden secrets about both Ford and Kovac are revealed.
This could have been so much better. As the old saying goes it started off crap and then fell away to f*"*.
Good first 20 minutes which showed true promise then Hollywood kicked in!
I'm struggling to find some positives apart from Robert DE Niro's in it. Travolta I though was good unfortunately this seems to be a take the money and run move.
I don't want to give too much away as hopefully you'll avoid it and I'm just writing any old crap to achieve the minimum 10 lines for IMDb.
Best avoided.