Thursday, September 19, 2013

Huge advancements in scientific technology have enabled a mogul to create an island full of living dinosaurs. John Hammond has invited four individuals along with his two grandchildren to join him at Jurassic Park. But will everything go to plan Especially when one of the parks own workers attempts to steal the dinosaur embryos and has to shut down critical security systems in the process. Its now a race for survival with dangerous creatures roaming all over the island.


Its hard to believe that its 6 years since this film appeared at the cinemas. At the time it was a truly groundbreaking film managing for the first time to portray dinosaurs in an extremely realistic manner unlike those plasticine monsters that we were forced to watch in previous monster movies. Jurassic Park will also be remembered as the movie that finally made George Lucas sit up and realise that it was possible for him to make his prequels.

In hindsight while it is still an extremely well directed and tension filled movie the script did seemed dumbed down in order to appeal to as many people as possible but thats really irrelevant since this film is all about dinosaurs. One of Spielbergs brilliantly directed films it even managed to make me forget Spielbergs previous disaster of a movie do you recall HOOK
