Ostensibly a shocker and a spectacle House of Wax is one of the great films about films. It works brilliantly as a horror one of the few films to reek of dread and death some of the grisly images (Jarrods partner hanging down an elevator shaft later exhibited in the museum) are inspired the suspense sequences combine eerie visual beauty with fundamental sexual fears (the films treatment of independent women in a patriarchal world is very astute in the housewife 50s). Vincent Prices performance as a man who can only feel alive with the dead is very moving.
But Waxs selfreflexivity is unprecedented in Hollywood films since the silents. It is a film using a novel spectacle (3D) to encourage greater realism concentrating on gruesome sensation. The film is about a museum also called House of Wax also a novel spectacle also more realistic and also gruesomely sensationalist. The films artifice is always prominent most violently with the pingpong man bridging the gap between film and audience by assailing us. What we are doing watching a House of Wax is what the characters are doing. And we know what happens to THEM...