It is such a shame that so many people "love" Family Guy because it is easily one of the worst shows on TV there are many points to address here.
The Flashbacks Now in Season 1 and 2 which I think was exceptional the flashbacks were quite frequent and actually somewhat tied into what the plot was about and was even funny. Now season 4 and on the flashback s are even more occurring and has NOTHING to do with the plot aren't funny and really long boring and meaningless. Family Guy thinks that long drag scene which go nowhere are funny when really it is poor writing.
Stewie Wow a baby that sounds British. How funny can that be It's not. His character is so unstable it's unbelievable. Remember in the early season's when Stewie was all about world domination and killing Lois. Well now he just has scene's that are awkwardly gay with Brian. From wanting world domination to being gay bad writing.
References How do they manage to keep making poor references to 80's TV shows or events Well they just reuse the same old garbage. You know in 20 years hopefully Family Guy will be canceled by then if they are still doing jokes about shows from the 80's it will be even more irrelevant than it was before. Because will have forgotten. This still keeps me wondering why they can't just writ good episodes with quality jokes.
Voice Acting My God the voices in this show is so poor. Seth McFarlene should just focus on his crappy episode writing and stop doing voices. All the extras in the already bad Family Guy episodes all sound the same. The Simpsons get 6 or 7 people to do ALL the voices. A few of them are voicing about 1520 characters...all sounding very different. But why can't Family Guy do that Oh right it's a crappy show.
The Stuttering Usually done by peter Stewie Brian and any extras whenever they talk or are offended by something they have to stutter out their sentence's just to try get a cheap laugh. I can't believe that Family Guy can't even speak normally to get people to laugh at their "jokes".
Offensiveness OK short and simple Family Guy tries to break the barrier and be cutting edge but really they fall flat every time. Go watch South park...
Terrible Plots The plots and story lines are just utter trash. The Simpsons have started their 20th seasons are STILL have better plots than Family Guy. About a total of 8 or 9 minutes is flashbacks and drag scenes which have no relevance.
Popularity Lots of little kids have Stewie shirts and think hes so funny when really they don't even get the terribly written sex jokes. They just say "oh ha ha stewie!" when they don't even get it. Family Guy has gotten canceled twice and brought back by DVD sales how sad is that. They got canceled the first time I think after the 2nd or 3rd season and I honestly believe that shoulda been it. those episodes back then were superb they shoulda left on a high note.
Drag Scenes and Falling There are scenes that go on way too long. One that just aired this last Sunday Peter went to an executive bathroom in which about 2 minutes was spent imitating the intro to Jurassic park and the plot of that episode is stolen from a Seinfeld episode as well. Also a scene when Chris is working at a store and hes talking with the employee for about 5 minutes about a movie which also features the stuttering. THE CHICKEN FIGHTS ARE SO STUPID 3 of them each one longer then the last. useless unfunny writing thinking that people enjoy long scenes of rerun fighting between a CHICKEN yeah a chicken. now every time someone falls down and by the way NO FAMILY GUY FAN CAN DENY THIS that every time they fall down its under a split second and they ALWAYS land with their arm over their back to make them look funny i guess its been used at least 30 times.
Herman Oh jeez everyone thinks the old pedophile is so funny when its just a really bad running gag. they've even gone to lengths of giving him singing scenes (which are very poor) and basing ENTIRE episodes around him they've done the same thing with other characters like the doctor who I know has had an episode based around him.
The Simpsons Well not much explanation needed here. There is so much evidence of Family guy stealing Simpson's jokes. How family guy is just a poor mans Simpsons.
so Im sure I've forgotten some key points somewhere but Im sure this is enough to prove that family guy is really a terrible horribly written TV show that everyone seems to love when really they should go watch Simpson's Seinfeld and Frasier.