Tuesday, September 17, 2013

In New York City detective Billy Taggart goes to court for the murder of the rapist Mikey Tavarez but the Mayor Nicholas Hostetler and the Chief of Police Carl Fairbanks vanish with an important evidence and Billy is declared nonguilty by the judge but he leaves the police department. Seven years later Billy is a private detective that lives his girlfriend Natalie Barrow who is an aspirant actress and the sister of Mikeys victim. His secretary Katy Bradshaw (Alona Tal) is trying to collect part of the debts to save their business. In the week of the elections Hostetler summons Billy and offers US$ 50000 to investigate his wife Cathleen Hostetler that he believes is having a love affair. Billy discovers that Cathleen is meeting Paul Andrews who is the coordinator of the campaign of Jack Valliant the opponent of Hostetler and favorite in the election. When Paul is found dead on the street Billy finds that he had been doublecrossed by Hostetler and he decides to investigate ...


The Mayor(Russell Crowe) of New York who pretty much has everything in his back pocket hires a private detective(Mark Wahlberg) who was once a cop but was fired because of a scandalous shooting incident. He hires him to follow his wife(Catherine Zeta Jones) in suspecting that she is cheating on him but what is gonna be discovered is more than meets the eye.

This movie kind of drags in the first part but surprisingly picks up in the second part. Crowe and Wahlberg do give descent performances so does Catherine Zeta Jones and Barry Pepper. It an alright thriller nothing beyond greatness but still entertaining although in spots it could have better but still deserves an 810.