Billy Elliot is a truly inspirational movie. It reminds us of the human potential to transcend our economic surroundings and the expectations of society by doing something so simple and yet sometimes so very difficult as simply being ourselves.
Born in a socially and economically repressed mining town Billy is told that boys box or wrestle boys dont dance. But Billy loves to dance and does so every chance that he gets.
Does a love of ballet make you gay Does it matter if your best friend is a crossdresser How far will a father go when he realizes the truth about his son This is a movie of change growth and emotion with characters and actors so real and fully developed that they pull your heart forth and place it firmly upon the screen. We literally feel the brittleness of judgement the despair of lost hope and the joy of acceptance.
It is easy to see why this small British film has won so many foreign awards and nominations and I only hope it will be given the chance it deserves to inspire and transform US audiences as well.