This film has nothing worthy of the box office receipts is has garnered. Any third grader can predict the outcome after the first ten minutes. The plot characters and themes are either one dimensional or blatant rip offs of earlier tales. Even those parts of the movie that are rehashing some of the great movies of history are delivered without any depth or structure. Consider the poorly constructed moral and it can be seen that it could have been stolen from ⋚nces with Wolves" and others before it but taken without the bones to support it.
Special effects were interesting but again lacking in any thought to character development. Creatures of this other world were clearly developed in an attempt to make them look Ȭool" without any thought to the evolutionary challenges that may have helped to shape them.
It is possible that there is an intended message relating to the tension between science and religion but it is hardly worth trying to evaluate the directors message. There is so little substance to this movie that the only possible conclusion that one could come to is that the analysis was not worth the effort.