Movies like Scream I Know What you Did Last Summer and their teenagepheremonereeking ilk have absolutely no right to call themselves "horror movies" when we have a film like Audition to watch.
This movie starts out very slowly very sweetly and builds to a fantastic gruesome climax that you dont see coming. Genuinely scary. I am a huge horror movie affectionado and I have NEVER in my life watched a movie that made gasp like this one did. I was revolted I was disturbed I was scared.
Why is this movie so much better than anything Ive seen Subtlety. This movie makes good use of silence sound effects and off camera action to SUGGEST instead of SHOW you whats happening. Its much more satisfying to watch a movie with this kind of approach than it is to watch people get stabbed with blood spraying all over the place. This movie follows no classic "horror movie rules". Its completely original.
Its not without its faults of course. The plot is a little strange and as the movie progresses on it sometimes gets a little hard to follow. Some would also argue that the beginning is too long and too heavy but I think this is a perfect and even needed contrast to the crazy goingson that will unfold.
This is a fabulous movie. Check this out if youd like to see a REAL scary movie.