Thursday, October 24, 2013

Click Here To Watch Green Lantern (2011)

A cocky test pilot Hal Jordan (Ryan Reynolds) acquires superhuman powers when he is chosen by the Ring the willpower-fed source of power of the Green Lantern Intergalactic Corps. He reluctantly at first takes on the challenges these superheroes face. Putting his self-doubts aside and spurred on by his sense of duty and love for his beautiful intellectually equal colleague Carol Ferris (Blake Lively) he is soon called to defend mankind from Parallax a super-powerful being who feeds on fear. He is the universes last chance as many Lanterns have been killed and the Corps is weakened. And he might just be the right Lantern for the job of keeping the world safe from harm. Based on the characters of DC Comics series Green Lantern.


I just have to do it I just have to correct all the haters out there...

No summary no spoilers just points on what makes a movie.

Storyline 810 Was it award winning No but what super hero movie is The becoming a Green Lantern of Hal Jordan follows the original comics perfectly. If you know the comics you know the beginning. If you never read them then you learn a lot real fast. The story introduces only characters necessary to the plot and nothing more. Hal Carol Senestro Parallax the Guardians Abin Sur TomarRe and Kilowog. They easily could have introduced way too many guardians way too fast but they didn't. Parallax's origins are changed a little but it works out for the better remember not everything that works in a book works on screen. All in all storyline was good it kept a good pace. Always remember it is an origins story so the 2 hours isn't completely filled with action but neither Casee nor I got bored.

Acting 810 No Ryan R. did not screw up Hal Jordan. Alright I'll admit Hal may not be as witty as Ryan played him but Hal was sure as hell a smart ace in the comics. I thought it fit. I went in thinking "This is going to be great or really going to suck." Luckily casting was very well done. Carol Blake did a fine job. I do agree with another review that said they wished someone a little more intellectualmature would play Carol but in the long scheme of things Blake didn't get a terrible amount of screen time to prove herself. Maybe as Star Sapphire she may pull out. Lantern Corp Sinestro 1010 TomarRe 1010 Kilowog 1010 Abin Sur 1010 I can't say much else besides that these characters lived up to the comics perfectly. I loved them all.

GraphicsCGI 810 Why 8 Eh there were a few just a few I tell you parts where the graphics pulled the cartoon look of Spiderman 3. PLEASE! don't be afraid by this all in all the graphics were awesome. Oa was beautiful just a couple notches below Asgard in Thor. Green Lantern Ring effects were great all around solid.

Costumessets 910 First short and sweet. Live action sets average. Skylines just like any other city Ferris Airforce Base good enough. Nothing spectacular but it wasn't the center of the movie. Costumes STOP HATING ON THE CGI COSTUMES!!!!!!! Even the the comics the suits were made from energy and that is what the movie did. A powerful ring of willpower isn't going to POOF put anyone in spandex or rubber armor. The mask appears when the identity of a Lantern needs to be protected and eye color changes as well. PERFECT to me.

Length 710 Although as I said before there were a few slow parts I would have liked to see the movie for a few minutes longer. Towards the end yes a little rushed but it didn't ruin the whole movie. 1015 minutes longer to put it just at the 2 hour mark would have been perfect for an origins story to me. Took off a couple points here.

Overall 810 By all means it is not as bad as Catwoman or Daredevil as some are writing. Those who make that comment are probably the ones who think Transformers is somehow an epic movie. Anyways it is a good solid super hero movie. Maybe not one of the greats like Batman Begins Dark Knight and Thor but still a great movie that wouldn't be bad to take the mature enough younger kids. Parallax is a little scary and there are a few curse words but by all means this is not a racy film.

Remember Stay after the credits...