Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Click Here To Watch The Tourist (2010)

Elise (Angelina Jolie) sits next to an American tourist Frank (Johnny Depp) on a train going to Venice. She has chosen him as a decoy making believe that he is her lover who is wanted by police. Not only will they need to evade the police but also the mobster whose money her lover stole.


I was looking forward to "The Tourist" Depp and Jolie in a Ȭharade" like romp. Well not such luck. Seems as if the director has never even seen a Stanley Donen movie. Not a single moment of fun. Not one! Angelina Jolie behaves like a first time model wearing dresses that were meant for someone else. Atrocious is the word that comes to mind. I haven't been this embarrassed for actor since Vince Vaughn as Norman Bates in the remake of "Psycho" Her lines and her delivery are worthy of an amateur and the script Goodness gracious me! How can this possibly be Even Venice looks banal. Depp manages a couple of moments but doesn't look well as if we were looking at the movie in the wrong ratio. 15 $ a ticket. I'm so mad! Glimpses of famous (in Italy) Italian actors including Alessio Boni (from The Best Of Youth) add to the depression I felt sitting through this. They must have thought Ȫ big Hollywood movie with Jolie Depp and the director of "The Lives Of Others" what a break! Well I was fooled myself. Unforgivable!