Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Click Here To Watch The Company You Keep (2012)

After years in hiding ex-Weather Underground militant Nick Sloan aka Jim Grant learns about his old compatriots arrest for a bank robbery turned deadly in the 1970s which he is wanted as an accomplice. This puts the ambitious young local reporter Ben Shepard on the scent of a story that exposes Nick as well. As such Nick goes on the run while taking his daughter to safety. With that accomplished Nick stays one step ahead of the FBI while pursuing a faint hope to clear his name. Meanwhile Shepard digs deeper into the case himself as he discovers the true complexities of another times determined ideals even as Nick faces their consequences with another.


The acting by a stream of well known faces who were young I when I was also young are very good and being a similar age as them I could relate to some of what they were experiencing in the story. I listened to a review on the radio criticising the movie because of the difficulty of enjoying watching people past their prime in a suspense movie. Maybe the reviewer should have stuck to the Bourne movies to get their kicks.

Well age has nothing to do with it but maturity certainly does. The appealing theme here is that we don't leave our past so far behind us that it doesn't exert any major influence on us years later. In fact the more years that pass the more significant the past can become. I suggest you don't be put off by the negativity of what some others say and see the movie.