Friday, October 11, 2013

Click Here To Watch How I Met Your Mother The Broken Code (TV Episode 2013)

Lily and Ted are carrying out their respective matron of honor and best man duties. Lily seems to be lax on carrying out her duties by forgetting to hit the send button on Robins bridal shower evite. But Lily admits that the shower was a bit of a bust for another reason. Lily and Robin try to overcome that problem. On the other hand Ted is doing whatever he can to be the best best man ever by accommodating Barneys every whim. But there is one thing that Ted may not be able to do for Barney and that is not to have held Robins hand at the carousel in the park which Barney saw. Marshall the lawyer who although still on the road with Daphne is present with the gang in a half stuffed manhalf electronic state ends up being the judge on the BarneyTed issue.


I know that it must be hard to stack everything in one wedding weekend but at least let some of these story lines go somewhere. Barney being mad at Ted did not last very long and the LilyRobin storyline felt a bit pointless since Lily was jealous for about a seconds at Robins new friend then they made up. The writers sometimes have really good ideas but they don't milk them properly. Like I wish we could have seen Barney actually use the weekend at Barneys play before he got engaged.

I did like the Marsh Pillow and most of Barney and Teds storyline but its obvious that the show has seen better days. All in all this was not a bad episode of TV but it does not live up to the old HIMYM standards.