Monday, October 21, 2013

Click Here To Watch Entourage (TV Series 20042011)

In this sitcom the suddenly risen film star Vince Chase a jeune premier of humble origins learns the ropes of the business and the the high-profile world of the wealthy happy few in and around Hollywood but not alone he brings from his native New York his atypical entourage (hence the title) not glitterati or professionals but a close circle of friends since childhood and his professional agent finds they often make his job harder as the Queens boys not only sponge on the star but also have his ear so Vince is much harder to counsel. Vince chooses his friend from home Eric as his manager and LA professional Ari Gold as his agent. Over the course of the Series they progress from kids from Queens to actors to producers and chase the funding and support to try to make the perfect movie for Vincent.


Entourage follows the great HBO series tradition of sharp cutting edge comedy and as other HBO shows have been addictive. The first season was a trial balloon for this very hip and hip hop version of life in the fast lane. It succeeded better than HBO envisioned. The second season was a full 15 episodes and now fans are eagerly awaiting Season 3 in June.

The storyline is not new just well conceived in this fast paced and energetic venue. Vincent Chase played very well by Adrian Grenier is the "IT" new actor in Hollywood. Surrounded by his "entourage" including his brother Johnny "Drama" Chase(played by Kevin Dillon) the erstwhile Turtle (played by Jerry Ferrara) and Eric "E" (played by Kevin Connolly. Like most modern day posses these boys serve specific roles in their support of their guy. Vince is after all the meal ticket and these guys know it to varying degrees. "E" has assumed the role of Vinces Manager since he is quick witted knows people and has Vinces undying trust. As a former manager of a Sbarros Restaurant in Queens NY he has all the qualifications at least for Vince! Yet "E" is intuitive and handles himself well among the sharks in LA. "Drama" preceded Vince to Hollywood having starred in the 90s TV show Viking Quest. But Johnnies career never took off and hit the skids a while back but with Vinces help hell get the chance to show his stuff as a bit player in all of Vinces projects. He also serves as the family cook. Turtle is the ultimate hangeron. His role is that of "gopher" or a man servant who does all the menial chores around the house. However toward the end of the second season Turtle begins to spread his wings and shows he may have some real street smarts as well.

Keeping this vehicle moving in the right direction is Ari Gold Vinces agent played brilliantly by Jeremy Piven. Ari is a fast talking on top of the game and industry action agent who has finally found his actor that can catapult him to the top of the agent game. He resents "E" because they have diametrically opposite backgrounds in as much as Ari has an MBA and J.D. from Harvard and has paid his dues while "E" was born in the right neighborhood near Vince. But Ari learns that he cant steamroll "E" as Vince ultimately trusts his best friend more than anyone in the world.

Other characters of note are Shauna played by Debi Mazur. Shauna is like Ari very sarcastic and witty and clearly has a vision as Vinces publicist as to what and how she wishes Vince to be shown in the public. A myriad of Hollywood AB and C list people show their faces in cameos as they interact with Vince and the guys. Romance ego opportunity greed and family love all play out in the fastest paced half hour ride youll have in a long time.

HBO is now replaying Season 1 and then Season 2 before premiering the third season and if you have not yet experienced this show you owe it to yourself. See if you dont get hooked by it as well................a quick hint as to one of the hooks that got the first episode the guys are wondering if theyre gonna go back to Queens for their High School reunion. They decide to do so and at the end of the show we see them getting ready to depart for the airport. We see Turtle wearing a Bayside High School letterman jacket and Vince is wearing a hooded sweatshirt with BAYSIDE written across the front. That is where I went to High School so my connection was set.