Monday, September 16, 2013


Vegas is real entertainment. Not the typical TV show that airs most of the time it has a real story and real characters set in a real place and time. It escapes the foul locker room humor of the so called comedy. It doesn't follow the CBS worn out cop show procedural plot lines. What it does do is present a place and time that are different from every other New York grimy modern day cop show loaded with violence. While it deals with the mob and with law and order it does so in a way that is artfully crafted by the writers. It weaves it's plot in and around the Vegas that was just beginning to grow and not the neon metropolis that exists now. The writers touch on bits and pieces of Vegas history that are nicely blended with the storyline. But most of all Vegas presents a cast of characters played by excellent talent that the viewers are just now beginning to build a relationship with as the season progresses. Interrupted by debates the election Hurricane Sandy and other events this show is just beginning to get in the saddle. Given a fair shot this is a great show just beginning to emerge from the rest of the worn out fare of nighttime television.