I considered The Fellowship of the Ring to be one of the greatest movies ever. This one is better!
The scenery is marvelous the animations great and the story superb. This episode strays further from the books when it comes to the unfolding of events but I feel that it stays closer in atmosphere and realism the nazgûls are now the fearinspiring creatures they should be. Gollum excellently implemented even becomes more realistic then I remember him from the books not to mention other attempts to portray him. His schizophrenic monologues are among the highlights of the movie.
The major drawback is once again the apparent incapability of the darkside creatures. Aragorn with fellows can ride back and forth among them unhurt while the UrukHai fall in large numbers just for being nearby. Though I enjoy many of the jokes made at Gimlis expense this still is another thing I partly dislike. Gimli sure is no clown in the books.
I rate the movie 910 (my highest so far).