Sunday, September 15, 2013


Right well from the movie cover (andor poster) to this movie then I was expecting some kind of post apocalyptic movie. So it was without hesitation that I sat down to watch "Revelation Road 2 The Sea of Glass and Fire". In retrospect then the whole "Revelation" part of the movie title should have made be stop dead in my tracks and rethink this. Had I known that I was in for a prolonged movie of Christian propaganda then I had never sat down to watch it.

I can honestly say that I haven't seen part 1 and nor do I plan to do so especially not now after having suffered through this Christian ordeal. It was an affront to all that I believe in.

The story is about the rapture taking place out of the blue and God claims those worthy to his kingdom leaving the rest of the humans on this rock called Earth where mankind quickly turn against one another and becomes 'savages' in the term that compassion love and trust is obliterated apparently within a short time.

I didn't find the story the least bit enjoyable in any sense as it was just dripping with Christian propaganda at every single twist and turn.

It should be noted though that the people in the movie were doing good enough jobs with their given characters and roles.

Don't do the same mistake as I did and get suckered in by the movie cover poster because you will be sorely disappointed. "Revelation Road 2 The Sea of Glass and Fire" gets a 3 out of 10 rating from me given the production value and the acting performances.