Saturday, September 28, 2013

The fraudulent real state agent Stan is married with his beloved Mindy and has a seven million dollar fortune. When he is arrested for fraud he is sentenced to three years in prison and his assets are frozen by the justice. However his crooked lawyer Lew Popper negotiates a six month freedom and the weak Stan who is afraid of being raped in prison hires the specialist in martial arts The Master to teach him selfdefense. Six months later Big Stan is sent to the Oaksburgh State Penitentiary totally confident in his expertise in martial arts. He challenges the violent leaders of the gangs and defeats them being respected by the inmates and bringing peace in the patio. However the dirty Warden Gasque has the intention of transforming the penitentiary in a luxury resort and uses Big Stan knowledge to improve his project promising to release him sooner using the corrupt penal system.


I find the general lack of interest towards this comedy rather disturbing. This message coming all the way from Europe Bulgaria. The movie is playing in theaters as of this week and to be honest it is just as hilarious and similarly spirited to other Schneider flicks. I went to see this expecting a few good laughs and that's what you get. The funny moments generally arise from comical situations and actions which lead to a rather expected outcome each time. It is not a sophisticated film it has no real depth it is just a feel good unrealistic comedy which makes you all warm inside. I apologize for the chaotic and short review it's just that I find it hard to organize my thoughts in order give this film an adequate presentation. 7 out of 10 doesn't stray too far from all the other Schneider movies if you've loved his previous work you'll also enjoy seeing this.