Monday, September 16, 2013


Went into this movie expecting some sort of cat and mouse game or a "Vacancy" like thriller about persons being taken down one after another but as pleasantly surprised to find its neither Instead its feels like an backwoods thriller evoking a particular emotional or aesthetic quality through a combination of acting visuals and realism shots . It feels as if one is there to experience the story as it happened to u personally of someone who had committed a crime covered it up and the mental trauma of going through blackmail only to realise that those around u cant be trusted. i would have to agree for most part i was engrossed guessing about whats happening on screen for most of the time. Of course there is ample drama revolving around relationships and characters caught up in their own world. pretty much half the show revolves around this and the main central character keeping his cool around a sticky situation he is caught up in

An atmospheric thriller that grips you in parts from the opening scene together with the bleak finale

The result will please some others not keeping their reservations about the movie . Tells a strange story of mystery and horror which playsmostlyin the majestic surroundings of a rural countryside during a dark winter or near spring season . Most of the film has dark or muted color tones of the backwoods and rural landscape

With some good visuals aesthetics and successful direction of actors the movie creates from a tense opening of a woman being killed and into thriller that evolves into a mostly psychological movie. A movie mystery where the silences inactivity of most part of the show and the images reflect the intuitions intentions and sensations of persons through scenes depicting from a troubled guilty character huddled in the corner of the house's lone bathroom the sole light of a single lamp or inviting illumination from the winter sun through the tree tops tells a story to the viewer

The film also seems to accurately depict what happens in mostly backwoods or rural countryside town where a few shady characters co exist with normal everyday people. Most of the movie revolves around this premise and examining the morality of both sets of characters

The show starts off a bleak and sorrowful scene t though halfway it seems to lose track to a family drama and a witch hunt only to regain back at the final minutes

Overall worth a watch one of the movies u would like to see on a week off day or vacation.